Shipping platform to engage discussion

1 min read

The Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping has launched an online discussion platform called COMEshipping (Cyprus Open Maritime Exchange) to engage stakeholders in the maritime community for ideas and views.

The platform,, introduced as part of the “SEAChange2030” national strategy for shipping, has five main subject areas – Green Transformation, Digital Transformation, Safety & Security, Coastal Navigation and Seafarers Issues.

According to the feedback, the junior ministry plans to host online discussions based on the various themes.

Introducing COMEshipping, Deputy Minister Vasilis Demetriades said: “We seek to get even closer to the shipping industry, to the professionals who serve the coastal and marine ecosystem of Cyprus, to the non-governmental organisations, to the whole community.

“We want to listen to their ideas and problems, to evaluate their suggestions.

“Through this collection and utilisation of knowledge, we seek to become more direct and effective in the way we offer our services, and more proactive in the way we face challenges.”