Cyprus seeks regional cooperation to tackle climate change

1 min read

As a small country in a climate-affected region, Cyprus seeks regional cooperation to address global warming, said Environment Minister Costas Kadis at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid.

“Cyprus, a Mediterranean island state, is located in an area that is seriously affected by climate change, which is manifested through prolonged periods of drought, increased temperatures, the degradation of forests and rare ecosystems,” said Kadis.

He argued that to tackle climate change, Cyprus, as an Annex One Party to the UNFCCC and a Kyoto Protocol Party since 2013, fully complies with the commitments and expectations of the International Community to actively participate in joint efforts to protect the climate and secure the sustainability of the planet.

Cyprus has already ratified the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

“As a small country, we recognise that our national contribution towards ameliorating the impacts of climate change is limited. We seek therefore for regional cooperation towards coordinated policy actions, joint activities, common projects and sharing of good practices.”

Nicosia has announced its vision for Cyprus to undertake a coordinating, regional role in addressing climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region in the coming years.

“Our President has already informed the Heads of State of countries in our region about the scope and the expected outcomes of this initiative and was met with a positive reaction”, said the Minister.

Kadis said the Cyprus Initiative would be presented in detail at the joint Side Event that was organised with the Union for the Mediterranean on Thursday at the EU Pavilion.

Heralding the Paris Agreement as a historic milestone for enabling global collective action to a low carbon and climate-resilient society, Kadis said it was imperative to make drastic progress in implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions that will move us closer to a carbon-neutral world by 2050.