CYPRUS: Mosaics restored at 5th century basilica in the north

1 min read

A bicommunal Cultural Heritage team has restored the mosaic floor of the 5th century Ayia Triada basilica, located in Karpasia, in the Turkish-held north of Cyprus.

Restoration works at the basilica continue, with the project due for completion by 2019.

Speaking to CNA, Greek Cypriot Head of the Technical Committee, Takis Hadjidemetriou, said the first phase of the project lasted about two months and focused on cleaning, restoring and securing the 5th and 6th century mosaics, recapturing their unique beauty.


“The work began, unveiling the splendour of the monument,” Hadjidemetriou said.


He said that mosaics are now being covered, to protect them from winter weather, while restoration works will go on at the rest of the site.

Earlier additions of cement and iron will be removed, and the monument will be restored with the use of compatible material.

The mosaic floor will be uncovered next May, when the restoration of the basilica is completed.

Hadjidemetriou said that Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot conservators are working with dedication and enthusiasm for the restoration.  

“The atmosphere we encountered was amazing. I may say, this is what thrilled me the most.”