97.2% of Cypriot households use motorized transport modes

1 min read

A Passenger Mobility survey in short distances (less than 100 km) conducted by Cyprus Statistical Service (CyStat) during the period of May – July 2009 showed that 97.2% of the enumerated households own and use motorized transport modes.

According to the survey, 20.0% of households own and use non motorized transport modes and 75.8% of the households have members who walk, usually for leisure purposes. The members of 25.1% of the enumerated households are using public transport modes.

The total number of households enumerated during the survey was 1.056 of which 37.3% were in Nicosia, 29.1 % in Lemesos, 17.6 % in Larnaka, 11,1 % in Pafos and 4.9 % in Ammochostos.

The total number of households members interviewed was 2.410 of which 37.6% were in Nicosia, 28.6% in Lemesos, 18.2% in Larnaka, 10.6% in Pafos and 5.0% in Ammochostos.

The total distance covered during the 21.635 trips was 225.574 Km and the total travel time 324.112 minutes or 5.402 hours.

The recorded mobility of the members of the selected households indicates that 84.3% of the total number of trips were made by motorized transport modes, non-motorized transport modes were used for 14.8% of the trips and only 0.8% of the trips were made by public transport modes.

The majority of the trips made during the three time periods separately, as well as all together, were made for leisure purposes (56.5%). Fewer trips were made to working places (15.3%) and for shopping (13.1%).

The traveled distance of a trip by any kind of transport mode, motorized or not is on average 10,4 Km and the average time of trip is 15,0 minutes.

Trips made by public transport modes last on average longer (34.8 minutes) than those made by motorized (15.1 minutes) or non motorized transport modes (13.3 minutes).

Public transportation has on average the highest distance coverage per trip (24.8 Km) followed by motorized transport with 11,9 Km per trip.