CI professor wins Landau Prize

1 min read

Dr Zev Levin, a professor affiliated with the Cyprus Institute ( was recently awarded the Landau Prize in Israel for his seminal contributions in water research over 35 years on the formation of clouds and precipitation and weather modification research, including the effects of pollution on precipitation.
Prof. Levin is affiliated with the Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) of the Cyprus Institute which he joined in January and helps to coordinate the EEWRC metastudy on climate change and the impact of climate change on rainfall which is predicted to be drastically reduced in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.
Levin is also Professor Emeritus at the Tel Aviv University and a world specialist in cloud physics and investigates the role of aerosol particles (eg desert dust) in the formation of clouds and rain. He also advises the World Meteorological Organization and national governments on the effectiveness of cloud seeding and other methods that have been conceived to stimulate precipitation in regions that suffer from drought.