The HR Professional’s Input To Organisational Resolutions

1 min read

— Organisational Performance Scorecard: Review, recognise, reflect



HR Manager, British American Tobacco


Just like with New Year’s Resolutions, the beginning of a new business year is the perfect opportunity for an organisation to take stock of the previous year, review organisational performance;  recognise, celebrate and reflect on achievements but most importantly, set objectives for launching into the New Year.  Having a clear vision is essential. Equally essential is the effective communication of this vision to employees.

In order for employees to strive for further company performance they must be held accountable for their contribution in the organisation’s performance, and at the same time given transparent and clear targets. They must also be given the opportunity to mould their own objectives in line with the organisation’s objectives.  The more employees see how past company targets were achieved with their contribution, the more engaged they are in this process.

An Organisational Performance Scorecard enables the organisation achieve this aim of aligning company targets to functional objectives and individual goals, and at the same time harmonising individual objectives with business strategy and vision.  A balanced scorecard aligns all the functions to its strategic objectives and takes into account parameters such as financials, customer satisfaction, employee knowledge and learning and internal processes.  Companies with a track record of long-term profitability and continuing innovation, have the capability to align strategy with structure, systems, staff, skills, style / culture and super ordinate values.  Well-designed Organisational Performance Scorecards enable organisations to tie personal objectives and roles to the organisational vision, mission and goals and align individual performance to organisational performance.

Financial analysts determining shareholder value pay close attention to an organisation’s ability to effectively implement strategy. This strategy implementation is based on people.  When the workforce is able to translate strategy into actionable objectives then things can happen in the direction the company wants! The aim is to find those personal improvement actions that will enable organisational improvements to achieve the corporate strategy.

HR professionals, by creating a robust scorecard that aligns with their HR agenda of creating the right environment, hiring and developing the right people, monitoring performance and building the vision and values of the organisation can lead this process of individual, functional and organisational alignment.  Where they can make an even bigger impact is where they can show, through this process, their business acumen, leadership skills and innovative thinking along with the ability to follow and predict business and labour market trends in the process.