Nokia reveals third dimension of mobile sharing MOSH

1 min read

Nokia has unveiled SEEK, the third dimension of its mobile sharing site, MOSH, that allows users to request for content they crave and the community can then respond with suggestions or custom created content. SEEK allows the rapidly growing MOSH community to connect with one another and to obtain content not yet available.

The first dimension in the evolution of MOSH was the ability to upload and share content with a global audience, while the second was downloading and customizing a device.

Officially launching on December 14, an exclusive demo of SEEK will be seen at CTIA Wireless in San Francisco from October 23 to 25.

MOSH, short for mobilize and share, has seen more than 6 mln downloads since its beta launch on August 9. It was built from the ground up with mobility in mind and its seamless web and mobile integration has facilitated rapid growth with 80% of all downloads happening through mobile browsers. Focused on the sharing of mobile content, MOSH is intended for all mobile devices and is not Nokia specific.

“With SEEK, the possibilities are endless: mobile scavenger hunts, sponsored SEEK competitions, or collaboration on applications by developers in India, Russia and the USA, we expect this to take creativity and mobile customization to a new level,” .” said Lee Epting, Vice President, Forum Nokia.