Crypto is second most popular savings tool in US

Cryptocurrencies now constitute 17% of consumer savings in 2023, placing them as the second most favoured savings method in the United States, according to an analysis by This emerging trend underscores the widespread


Nearly 1 bln to use cryptos by 2027

The crypto industry is on the up in 2023, despite the ups and downs and regulatory twists seen in the past months, with nearly one billion people expected to use cryptocurrencies as


Cryptoverse shrinks by 1,700 in a year

The total number of cryptocurrencies dropped by 1,700 year-over-year, falling to 8,704 as of last week, from an all-time high of almost 10,400 a year ago, according to data presented by


Confidence returns to Bitcoin

Bitcoin investors and traders were cheerful Tuesday as the prominent cryptocurrency maintained its price near $22,000 for the first time since June. The Bitcoin price has settled above the $21,500 resistance zone,

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