Halloumi PDO remains political prisoner

Registering halloumi as a product of protected designation of origin (PDO) has languished for over five years in EU corridors due to Cyprus problem politics. An EU representative said the registration of


France backs Turkey sanctions as an option

Brussels must be ready to activate all its tools including sanctions against Turkey, in response to Ankara’s aggression in the Eastern Mediterranean, France’s visiting Europe Minister Clément Beaune said Friday. After meeting


EU will defend Cyprus rights in East Med

Brussels will act to defend the rights of European Union member state Cyprus in its standoff with Turkey over maritime and energy rights, visiting European Council President Charles Michel said Wednesday. Michel’s


Turkish survey ship could return

Although Cyprus said the withdrawal of Turkish survey vessel Oruc Reis is a move in the right direction, Ankara suggested it could return after leaving the region for resupplies. Cyprus Foreign Minister

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