CYPRUS: Employers trust graduates from local universities

1 min read

Cypriot employers are showing more trust towards graduates from local Universities despite many students going abroad to study, according to a survey conducted with the participation of 740 businesses.

According to the results of the Stockwatch survey, the average score of the eight private and public universities rose to 7.55 out of 10 from 7.5 in last year’s survey carried out in August 2017.

The increase stems from a better image enjoyed by state universities and especially by the Cyprus University of Technology.

The survey posed two questions: how far businesses trust each university and to what extent would they recommend it.

Regarding individual university rankings, the University of Cyprus came top with 8.75 out of ten compared to 8.7 in the previous survey. It scored 8.7 for its credibility and 8.8 on whether participants would recommend it.

Coming in at second place was the Technological University of Cyprus scoring an overall 8.05 compared to 7.25 last year.

The University of Nicosia was third with an overall rating of 7.60 and the European University a score of 7.55.

The third public university, the Open University, scored 7.5, while the British-linked UCLAN received a mark of 7.05, Frederick 7.10 and Neapolis University in Paphos 6.8.

Companies in the sectors of construction, industry, retail and services took part in the survey which was conducted between 5 and 21 September via telephone interviews by RAI Consultants.