CIIM’s Aharoni wins top prize for his contribution to management

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For the past six years, Professor Yair Aharoni, a world authority in business management, has been visiting Cyprus twice a year to examine and report to an international academic council on the educational standards and quality control at the Cyprus International Institute of Management.
Prof. Aharoni was awarded the prestigious Israel Prize for his outstanding academic contribution to the field of management, during an academic career that spans over half a century. It is the first time, since its establishment, 57 years ago, that the Israel Prize is awarded to a scholar in the field of business management. CIIM is proud of the honour bestowed upon Professor Aharoni, who has contributed in making CIIM a world-class business school, through his meticulous scrutiny and constructive recommendations: “CIIM continues to excel, offering very good academic MBA and MPSM programmes which I would not hesitate to recommend – in particular after they were accredited by two different accreditation organisations,” he wrote in one of his reports.
Israel Education Minister Gideon Saar announced the award of the Israel Prize for Management and Administrative Sciences to Yair Aharoni this year. The award panel stated that "Professor Aharoni has made a major contribution in management science, and has been recognised around the world for his work. He has pioneered the building of educational institutions in this and other areas. His creativity and institutional work make him worthy of the Israel Prize”.
The Israel Prize, established in 1953, is the most highly regarded award in the country. Recipients of the Israel Prize may be individuals or groups who have demonstrated excellence or have broken new ground in their selected field. The prize is presented in the presence of the President of Israel, the Prime Minister, members of the Knesset (parliament) and of the Supreme Court of Israel.
Prof. Yair Aharoni received his doctorate from Harvard Business School in 1961. During his long and distinguished academic career, he served as the first Dean of the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University, CEO of the Jerusalem Institute of Management, Rector of the College of Management and Director of the Center of International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at Duke University. He also served on the board of directors of Israel Aircraft Industries and as advisor to many companies.
Aharoni was for many years tenured Professor of International Business and of Business Policy at Tel Aviv University and held Visiting Professorhips at Harvard, Duke, Boston, New York, Columbia, Berkeley and Stanford Universities, as well as at the Copenhagen and Helsinki Business Schools.
He wrote more than thirty books and monographs, among them The Decision to Invest; The Functions and Role of Directors; Business in the International Environment; Accounting for Management, Markets, Planning and Development; The No-Risk Society; The Management and Evolution of State-Owned Enterprises. He published more than a hundred papers in academic and professional journals and wrote more than 150 cases. Prof. Aharoni is a fellow of the Academy of International Business and of the International Academy of Management.