
Biden victory heralds boom time for ESG investing

1 min read

Joe Biden’s administration will usher in an unprecedented boom for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments, according to Nigel Green, chief executive and founder of the financial advisory deVere Group.

“At the start of 2020 I noted that ESG investing would reshape the investment landscape in this new decade, becoming one of the megatrends,” said Green, explaining that there’s been a massive surge around the world from clients this year looking for such investments.

“A deVere survey in the summer revealed that more than a quarter of all clients are currently considering or are already actively engaged in responsible, impactful and sustainable investing.

“But this phenomenon is set to be dramatically accelerated with Joe Biden in the White House.”

Green said that Biden’s administration will usher in an unprecedented boom for ESG investments for two key reasons.

“First, the next U.S. President – the CEO of the world’s largest economy – and his Vice-President Kamala Harris, actively championed on the election trail and before, values that have an inherent synergy with ESG-orientated investments.

“They campaigned on issues including climate change, social justice, equality, diversity, human rights and corporate transparency and accountability.”

The deVere CEO said that on many issues, particularly those relating to the environment, the Biden administration will aim to reverse many policies established by Trump.

“For instance, Biden has promised to bring the U.S. back into the Paris Agreement, the multi-nation pact to combat climate change, on day one of taking office, and called for a transition in America from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Such campaign issues will now likely become policy.”

“Second, it is probable that U.S. rules surrounding ESG investing and corporate disclosures will now come into line with those of Europe – something Trump fiercely opposed, Green added.

“If the rules on ESG investing are matched and agreed upon, and an international standard and framework brought in, we can expect further institutional investment piling into the ESG sector.”

A Biden White House is going to bolster sustainable, impactful investing, which is a sector already outperforming the market this year, according to latest independent research.

In addition, ESG is set to get a major boost due to demographic shifts.

“The biggest-ever generational transfer of wealth – likely to be around $60 trln – from baby boomers to millennials (who are statistically more likely to seek responsible investment options), is to take place in the next couple of years. As such, ESG investing is set to grow exponentially in the 2020s,” Green said.

The deVere CEO concluded that, “Biden has bold plans that perfectly square with ESG investments – an already burgeoning market. We can expect the boom to intensify further.”