CYPRUS: Police identify driver who posted video using his feet to drive

1 min read

Cyprus Police on Friday identified a man who had posted a video stream of himself driving a car with his feet on the steering wheel while navigating a busy motorway.

According to reports, a 43-year-old driver was called in for questioning at a Limassol police station and charged with traffic offences after the video went viral.

The man was charged with reckless driving and driving while his hands were off the steering wheel. It is understood the errant driver was using his mobile phone to capture his unconventional style using his feet.

In an earlier statement, the police had some harsh words for the “irresponsible driver” pictured on social media driving his car with his feet.

In a message on Twitter police said an investigation was underway and added: “Driving is not a game or a joke. We all have a responsibility to be careful whilst behind the wheel and show respect not only for our own lives but those of others.”

Police said it is a traffic violation if the driver fails to control a car with both hands on the wheel.