CYPRUS: Turkish submarine protecting drill ships anchors in north

1 min read

A Turkish navy submarine providing protection to drill vessels violating Cyprus waters has anchored in Turkish-held north of the island at Kyrenia harbour.

Reportedly, the Gür class S-357 is providing protection to the two Turkish drilling rigs – Fatih which entered Cyprus waters in May and Yavuz which has been dispatched to the region plus the Barbaros seismic research vessel.

According to Turkish daily Sabah, the TCG Gür (S-357), has a length of 62 metres and a weight of about 400 tons, as well as the ability to stay submerged for 50 days.

Known for its stealth operations, the submarine is reported to be carrying Harpoon SSM missiles, surface radars, and sonar equipment, while it also has improved target acquisition and tracking capabilities.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently said his country would take all necessary steps in response to calls from the European Union to back away from illegal drilling activities in the eastern Mediterranean.