CYPRUS: Sir Stelios awards bicommunal projects that promote trust

1 min read

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou announced Wednesday the 50 bi-communal teams (50 Greek-Cypriots and 50 Turkish-Cypriots), to receive cash prizes of €10,000 each from a total of €500,000 offered.

This year, nearly 700 Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots collaborated and submitted their applications for Stelios Bi-Communal Awards 2018, to win one of the 50 cash prizes that are offered by Stelios Philanthropic Foundation.

Since 2009, the total value of the awards that were granted to bi-communal collaborations comes to €3.25 mln.

The aim of Sir Stelios’ philanthropic mission is to encourage cooperation between the members of the two communities in Cyprus and to establish lasting peace on the island.

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou said: “This year it has been a difficult year to be doing bi-communal work in Cyprus. Following the record year, we had in 2017 with an all-time high number of applicants, I have to report that the number of applicants is down (as you would expect from the negative climate). However, focusing on the positive side, still having 700 people apply is a good result for lasting peace on the island."

He said his favourite category which is the partners in life, is the only category that has shown an increase year on year with now giving 16 awards this year vs 9 last year.

“At least at a human level the relations between the two communities are improving. We will be there to keep working for lasting peace on the island for the long run,” said the wealthy Cypriot.