Cyprus joins global day of climate action by crushing 350kg of cans

1 min read

People from around Cyprus gathered in Nicosia on Saturday to sort and bale 350 kilos of cans for recycling as part of the worldwide day of climate change activism. Participants joined more than 5,200 communities in 181 countries as part of a global day of action coordinated by to urge world leaders to take bold and immediate steps to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions.
“There’s no doubt now that the citizens of Cyprus want to see real action from the world on global warming before the problem gets any worse,” said Cans For Kids Vice-President Rosie Charalambous as she joined dozens of volunteers sorting cans. Nicosia Mayor Eleni Mavro uand the Head of the European Commission Representation in Cyprus, Androulla Kaminara, also joined the group to show their support.
“We’ve had tremendous support from everyone, especially event sponsor Lanitis Bros, whose assistance made it possible, as well as Starbucks and Vienna Bakeries,” added Charalambous.
The target was to recycle 350 kilos – about 18,250 cans – in two hours, equivalent to a saving of 7,000lbs of CO2.
Around the world, people held rallies aimed at focusing attention on the number 350 because scientists have insisted in recent years that 350 parts per million is the most carbon dioxide we can safely have in the atmosphere. The current CO2 concentration is 390 parts per million.
Cans For Kids is a Cyprus NGO founded in 1990 to promote environmental awareness and encourage recycling. As an incentive to get people recycling, profits from the sale of aluminium are used to buy medical equipment for the children’s wards at the Makarios Hospital in Nicosia which treats children from all over the island. To date over €250,000 worth of equipment has been donated to the hospital.
The Cans For Kids 350 Challenge was sponsored by Lanitis Bros., Starbucks and Vienna Bakeries.