Activists’ boat to return to Cyprus from Gaza carrying Palestinian students

1 min read

One of the two boats that arrived Saturday afternoon in Gaza, breaking the Israeli blockade, will attempt to return to Cyprus on Tuesday carrying ten Palestinians students.

Two boats carrying 46 peace activists arrived without incident in the Gaza Strip from Cyprus on 23 August, despite warnings from the Israelis. Thousands of Palestinians were on hand at the strip`s fishing port to welcome the activists aboard the Free Gaza and the Liberty.

Speaking to CNA from Gaza, one of the activists, Israeli professor Jeff Halper said that “ we broke the siege of Gaza”, adding that “the reason Israel let us through was because we did not constitute a security threat”.

“Israel has no right not to allow free movement in the region as long as a ship, or an airplane, or a traveler does not constitute a security threat and is willing to be checked for weapons”.

He also said that “Israel has given up any legitimate excuse to prevent any ship to come into Gaza”, adding that “we have to push it and really be sure it becomes a fact”.

He announced that one of the two boats that arrived last night in Gaza will attempt to return Cyprus on Tuesday carrying ten Palestinians students, adding that “this is a test of breaking the siege”.

He said that he will also try on the same day to go back to Israel through a checkpoint in southern Gaza.

“There is no reason why Israel should not let me through to the checkpoint”, he concluded.