AKEL votes “no” to Lisbon Treaty

1 min read

Left wing AKEL has decided to vote against the Lisbon Treaty a week before the debate at the House of Representatives Plenary which is expected to approve the Treaty.
As Cyprus is set to ratify Lisbon treaty on 3rd July, the Movement of Ecologists-Environmentalists, which discussed the issue, has decided to abstain from the voting to show its disapproval for the discussions on the Treaty taking place in the EU and Cyprus.
Speaking after a meeting of the AKEL Central Committee, parliamentary spokesman Nicos Katsourides said the decision was taken unanimously in the absence of the Secretary General of the party, Cypriot President Demetris Christofias.
“We vote against the Treaty because we believe that its content is not in the interest of the peoples of Europe and especially the workers”, said Katsourides noting that the decision was a result of a very serious study of the Treaty’s content and provisions.
“We did not join Europe as mere observers or applauders, but to support to the extend
of our capabilities the interests of the peoples of Europe” Katsourides added .
Noting that there is already Ireland’s “no” and deep concern from 3-4 other member – states, Katsourides concluded that the party will present its full thinking on the Treaty at the House debate in July.
Responding to a question he said that the Government can not take a decision to conduct a referendum without a prior House decision.
As regards the Presidents’ absence from the deliberations, he said that Christofias has made a commitment to honor his predecessor’s decision.