New Cyprus parliament to meet on June 1

1 min read

The newly elected members of the Cyprus House of Representatives will convene for a plenary session on Thursday June 1 for the first time since the election on May 21.

The election as a boost for two of the three coalition partners but a blow for the largest party, the communist AKEL.

Among the coalition parties, the elections gave 18 seats to AKEL (down from 20 in 2001), 11 seats to President Tassos Papadopoulos’ party, DIKO, (up from 9), and 5 seats to socialist EDEK (up from 4).

Opposition centre-right DISY gained 18 seats (down from 19 in 2001 but up from 15 just before the election). The recently formed European party gained 3 seats compared with 4 just before the election.

The only other party to gain representation was the Ecologists, who retained their one seat.

There will be 56 deputies and the three representatives of the religious groups (Maronites, Armenians and Latins). Under the constitution, a further 24 seats are left vacant for Turkish Cypriots.

A new speaker will also be elected. AKEL leader Demetris Christofias is expected to remain president of parliament.