COMMENT: Recruiting and retaining young professionals

1 min read

Many employers in Cyprus treat staff the same way as their accountants do: as a cost.

But as countless research has shown, a happy employee is more likely to work hard, bring fresh ideas into the company and make a positive contribution to the bottom line.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you de-motivate your staff, they will act as a drag on your business. Even if they are too scrupulous to steal your property, they will certainly steal your time, by surfing the net or by giving only 90% instead of 110% to your business.

Yet today’s labour market in Cyprus is particularly tough on employers who need young, educated professionals but who do not know how to recruit and retain them.

Four years of solid economic growth have led to many more jobs and opportunities in the employment market, giving young people greater choice.

At the same time, Cypriots no longer have to clamber over a dozen hurdles to work abroad. They can skip the country at a moment’s notice and now have 26 other EU countries to choose from.

Young people also have a different outlook on life. This is the credit generation, brought up in relative comfort and used to getting what they want within a reasonable timeframe. All of this means they have high expectations of an employer.

Employers these days, therefore, need to do a hard sell to attract the educated young.

Vague promises of career development at some uncertain date in the future do not impress them. They have first degrees and second degrees. They want interesting work, a solid contract and a clear career path.

In return, they will not expect to work a 9 to 5 day, will be glad to take on take on responsibility and will help your business grow. And if you really get it right, they will boast about working for you.

In a survey carried out by the Best Companies, a company that accredits the best employers, it found that 85% of employees at accredited firms said they would strongly recommend their company to others. It also found that accredited companies find it easier to recruit the best.

Our professional expertise at Global Recruitment Solutions (GRS) can help you recruit and attract the best young professionals. As a leading international recruitment consultancy specialising in the provision of human capital resourcing solutions, we have the knowledge and expertise to select the best talent in the marketplace for your organisation.

Moreover we are able to positively promote your organisation and the career opportunities that it presents, to exceptional candidates who are looking for that next career move.

GRS recruits from entry level graduates right up to director/partner level across a broad range of disciplines in the following sectors: banking, accountancy, finance, legal, IT, shipping, marketing/new media, engineering & construction.

If you are interested in a highly confidential discussion regarding our services please contact:

Global Recruitment Solutions

+357 25 34 27 20 (Limassol Office)

+357 22 76 93 69 (Nicosia Office)