Barristers behaving badly…

. BY PETROS MAVROS Work-based larceny seems to be the order of the day in Britain, and its not just the odd theft of stationery or an office laptop that’s concerning Audemars

“Fly 2 The Cloud Ready”

. BY GEORGE MALEKOS Cloud computing is one of the hottest topics in the IT industry today and it offers new business opportunities and a technological revolution. According to the Topology Research

Secret versus Open Diplomacy

. BY DR. ANDRESTINOS N. PAPADOPOULOS, AMBASSADOR A.H. We often hear about “secret diplomacy” as opposed to “open diplomacy”. Both schools of thought have their followers and the dilemma is posed when

A look at Euro trends

. BY PERSELLA IOANNIDES When the Greek debt crisis first erupted in April 2010 the EURUSD declined from 1.35 reaching 1.19 in June 2010. Various investment gurus expressed pessimistic views, even betting

The Book to Market Ratio of Cyprus Banks

. BY MICHALIS MAKROMINAS The ratio of Book Value of Equity to Market Value of Equity (henceforth B/M ratio) has always presented a puzzle in contemporary finance. Book Value of Equity is

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